Cosas Que Leo #110: GERMS, GUNS AND STEEL, Jared Diamond

“The difference between a kleptocrat and a wise stateman, between a robber baron and a public benefactor, is merely one of degree: a matter of how large a percentage of the tribute extracted from producers is retained by the elite, and how much the commoners like the public uses to which the redistributed tribute is put. We consider president Mobutu of Zaire a kleptocrat because he keeps too much tribute (the equivalent of billions of dollars) and redistributes too little tribute (no functioning telephone system in Zaire). We consider George Washington a statesman because he spent tax money on widely admired programs and did not enrich himself as president. Nevertheless, George Washington was born into wealth, which is more unequally distributed in the United States than in New Guinea villages.”

Guns, germs and steel; the fates of human societies


Norton, 1997

471 págs.